Navigation Overview
LAmush consists of a large amount of IC and OOC rooms. This section lists the various means to find these places and people and subsequently move to them.
Ways to look around:
- look-ing at objects (rooms, exits, characters, things etc.)
- +view-ing specific items
- Identify and look at clusters & places in a room
- +glance-ing who's in the room
- Use the +compass to see available exits in a room
Ways to find people:
- Policies on finding characters IC-ly
- Seeing who's on via who or +who
- Identify people present in public +hangouts
- @sweep the room for hidden characters (See policies!)
Ways to find places:
- Look at the +maps to see the grid
- Look up available hangouts in the yellow pages (+yp)
- Find +hangouts with character presence
Moving to places:
- Information on roads in LA
- moving from room to room
- moving to places inside a room
- Teleport
- Hopping ic and ooc
- Going home
- When you're stuck
- Driving and taxi's
- Locks and keys
- Tracking IC time
- Notes on traveling time