We have clusters and places code which allows virtual places (tables, chairs, beds, et cetera) and clusters of characters in a room without having separate database objects. When you join a place or another character, you can create poses and conversations with others at the same place or cluster without these actions being generally observed.
Command | Usage |
places (or 'clusters') | Shows places and clusters in the room. |
place <num> | Displays a description of place <#>, with information about who is sitting there, etc. |
join <name> | Puts you in a cluster with <name>. |
join <num> | Puts you at place <num>. |
depart | Leaves your current place or cluster. |
tt <message> | Allows you to talk quietly at your cluster. The usual say/pose tokens may be used and tt |<message> will @emit at the table. |
tts <message> | Pose <message> in current +language. To set a language, see: +help ic/lang. |
ttm <message> | Allows you to pose <message> at your cluster or place which will be heard as a mutter by the room. |
Using Clusters and Places
Our clusters code compliments traditional places code by dynamically resolving spatial relationships. When you join (e.g. 'join <num>') a place, then you are joining that place. When you join (e.g. 'join <name>') a person, you are standing near them. If the person you join is at a place (i.e. a couch or table), then you are standing near the place. If they are not at a place, then you are forming an arbitrary group of people within the room. Notwithstanding limits on the existing number of places in a room, there is no limit to how many dynamic groups ("clusters") can exist.
When someone uses one of the 'tt' commands, they are speaking just loud enough for everyone nearby to hear: whether those people are within a cluster or at a nearby place.
For those who wish to employ Obfuscate to spy upon a cluster or place, they should 'join <name>' where <name> is a person at the cluster or place.
If a room is quiet enough (i.e. if it is not set TERSE), then a person with '+auspex1 hearing' engaged might be able to eavesdrop upon communications at most clusters and places in a room.