Mentor Jnote Guidelines

A Mentor is an elder vampire who looks after you. Determining the scope of your mentor-background is a balancing act between how powerful, influential and useful your mentor is and how much your mentor is able or willing to do for you. Since your mentor is a vampire-NPC, it's generally wise to +feedback any dealings with your mentor (that are not specifically mentioned in your +jnote) to Staff via +feedback/request. In your +jnote you define:

1. Number of mentors
2. Who they are
3. Where they are
4. How you are related to them
5. What support they provide you with

1. Number of Mentors

One mentor is common, but you may have more.

2. Who they are

Detail your mentor(s) name, clan, rank etc. Background mentors may not be player characters. They can be existing NPC-characters or background NPC's from your character's secret background.

3. Where they are

Since we do not want to populate LA with unplayed elder mentors, your mentor may not reside in Los Angeles. Please name the city or geographical area where your mentor lives.

4. How you are related to them

Describe how you are related to your mentor. Is your mentor your Sire, a sibling, a vampire that adopted you or otherwise? Vampires don't tend to be altruistic creatures. What inspires them to be your mentor? Do they expect you to do favors in turn?

5. What support they provide you with

Outline what kind of support your mentor would provide you with. Examples are IC advice & sanity checks, being a reference of good behavior, shelter in times of need, lobbying and political support, teaching home-lores or in-clan-powers, teaching specific abilities they excel in, providing you with resources or an occasional benefit from influences they maintain etc.

Example Mentor 2 +jnote

Llewellyn as one mentor; his Sire, David Gray. David is a traditional Elder of Clan Brujah, holding the title of Primogen in Seattle. Provided he remains a boon to his Sire's good reputation within the Camarilla, Llewellyn is able to fall back on his mentor for teachings in home-lores and clan-disciplines. In addition, Llewellyn may approach his Sire for advice on political maneuvering, or temporary shelter in Seattle, should push come to shove.

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