IC Email

+email is the IC email system, as opposed to the @mail system. It's easy to get an email address, you just have to know how to use a computer. (Yes, this means that you need to have at least one dot of Computer on your +sheet.)

Command Usage
+email/register <email> This lets you open an email account with a 'public' domain. We have 'firemail.com' and 'wahoo.com' and 'tmail.com' along with the local internet cafe's domain, 'freenet.net'. Staff can set you up with email addresses of other domains - if you're attending school, for example, or you work somewhere that might give you an email address. If you've got the disposible income (Resources of 2 or more), you can sign up with a 'real' ISP, and get one of those addresses.
+email/set <address> This sets your active account; when you send email, this address will show in the 'From:' field.
+email/name <name> This is the name for the active address, it will also show in the 'From:' field when you send email. It can be changed as often as you like.
+email/list This will list all your email accounts, along with any display name. The one that is currently active, is marked with a *.
+email/close <email> This lets you 'close' an email account.
+email/quick <email>/<subject>=<message> This will send an email to the address named. You can only send to one address at a time with this command, and you will get a copy as well.
+email <email>=<subject> This will start an email message that looks quite a bit like writing an @mail. You can only specify one email address, but you can add more once you've started.
+email/to|cc|bcc <address> This is how you add extra addresses. You need to add them one at a time.
+email -<message> This appends text to your message.
+email ~<message> This prepends text to your message.
+email/proof Lets you see the message in progress.
+email/edit <old text>=<new text> This lets you edit the message in progress.
+email/send This sends your message on its way. You get a copy of the email as well.
+email/fwd <message #>=<email> This will put an email into a new message, where you can either append (with +email -) or prepend (with +email ~) to it, before sending it on. Message # is the number of the mail in your @mail list.
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