Factions are a way to ease OOC communication between the members of a group. They include OOC channels and mail-functionality.
+faction/list | +faction/list lists all factions together with OOC contact info. |
+faction/info <faction name> | +faction/info presents some OOC and/or IC information about a faction. |
+faction/members <faction name> | +faction/members lists all members of a faction to which you belong. |
+faction/online <faction online> | +faction/online lists all online members of a faction to which you belong. |
+faction/mail <faction name>=<subject> | +faction/mail <faction name>=<subject> will send a mail to all the members of <faction name>. |
Please note that +faction code is designed as an OOC tool to facilitate IC relationships. These IC relationships need not be amicable. Membership to a faction also comes with access to a channel of the same name.
+faction/setinfo <faction name>=<text> | +faction/setinfo allows a faction member to set their Position information for +faction/members and +faction/online. Please note a 35 character space limit. |
+faction/setpublicinfo <faction name>=<text> | +faction/setpublicinfo allows faction Admin to set the faction's public info. |
+faction/setsecretinfo <faction name>=<text> | +faction/setsecretinfo allows faction Admin to set members-only info. |
+faction/contact <faction name>=<text> | +faction/contact allows faction Admin to set the OOC contact info. |
+faction/addadmin <faction name>=<playername> | Adds <player name> as an Admin to the faction. |
+faction/deleteadmin | Removes <player name> as an Admin to the faction. |
+faction/add <faction name>=<player name> | Permits faction Admin to add members to their faction. |
+faction/delete <faction name>=<player name> | Permits faction Admin to remove members from their faction. |