Post Approval Process
**This page offers a list of general items to check out once you're approved:*
- Look through the +bbread BBS groups and select the ones you would like to read (+bbjoin #) and monitor (+bbleave #). Note; you can +bbcatchup # to clear unread flags. (See: Bulletin Boards)
- To get around the grid, see Maps and Driving & Taxis.
- To locate RP places, see: +hangouts, Yellow Pages
- There are rumors circulating! See: +help social/rumor
- If you speak languages, see: +help char/lang
- To see what you might know of another character, see: +news char/bg
- To spend willpower to improve success: +help ic/willpower
- How strong are you? Look at: +strength
- Take the exit from the OOC Green Room into "Housing" to get an apartment.
- From the Green Room, use +ooc and +ic to toggle in and out of the IC grid.
- The best way to request things from staff is with +feedback (e.g., requesting a weapon) - +help ooc/feedback
- For weapon requests, see: +news combat/weapons
- Feel free to ask question on the =newbie channel or =public.
- A journal should have been created for you in your inventory. Type look journal for more information. If you do not have one, please +feedback to Staff.
When you play a vampire the list continues below:
- Your lores are now unlocked, reread entries visible to you in +news lore
- You can now see your power cards. See: +help char/power (+power/list and +power me=<power>)
- Vampires need to hunt. (+help ic/hunt). Cconsider seeking an IC location to legally hunt. See also: +news menu
- To see who is in charge: +help social/offices
- Commands relating to blood use: +help ooc/blood
- Note Elysia typically have a BBS group only readable within a certain room.
- Status amongst vampires is very important. (+help social/status)
- As is "prestation" (+help social/boon)
- As is Clan Prestige (+help social/prestige)
- And as is declaring for Anarchs or Camarilla (+help social/declare)
- Vampires sometimes frenzy (+news sys/frenzy, +help ic/frenzy)
- Some powers are coded, these will appear in +help ic
- E.g., +auspex1, +protean1, +obfuscate, +animalism4, +shift, etc.
- These will only appear if you have the power.
- Malkavians should +help ic/mmn
- Re-check +clist to see what channels are now available! Also note +help social/faction