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Gender: Male
Full Name: William Cafliaglon
Alias: caf
Position: Seneschal of Long Beach, Primogen of Santa Ana, NOC
Short desc: <none>
Publicly: Just another businessman who lives in Santa Ana. Spends a lot of time around the civic center.
Supernaturally: William Cafliaglon is a Ventrue Elder, and a serious player in Camarilla Politics on a global scale. Although he is said to have contacts in practically every city of the globe, he doesn't have any particularly strong ties to one place. For now, he seems to have settled in Los Angeles. He's got a reputation for being the heavy in negotiations… someone that the Ventrue send in to close the deal with someone who's getting cold feet. He used to be one of those Camarilla policemen, working for the elders and doing their bidding. It's no wonder he's a little unpersonable. Now, however, it seems that he's gone into business for himself. He's a Primogen in one of the Orange County domains, and keeps mostly to himself. He's got a few childer in the area, including Robert Starsen, who apparently has much better breeding than his sire.
Photo: Here
Gender: Female
Full Name: Elaine Pruitt
Alias: Pruitt
Position: Prince of Long Beach
Short desc: A striking blonde woman in sensible but flattering designer clothes.
Publicly: Ms. Pruitt - ah yes, a stunningly beautiful socialite. Seen her with celebrities at charity functions on the Queen Mary. Probably never worked a day in her life.
Supernaturally: Elaine Pruitt is unambiguously Elder, Ventrue, Camarilla, and a Prince, among the most powerful in Greater Los Angeles. Her power base seems to extend from the harbor at Long Beach. She is an unwavering opponent to all outside the Camarilla, and has proven eminently competant as a leader, if cold and inflexible. She is known to show little remorse in sentencing Final Death for serious infractions within her domain. It is said she commands a vampiric / ghoul 'secret police' force in her domain.
Photo: Here
Gender: Male
Full Name: General David Kress, USA (Ret.)
Position: Marshall of Defense of Orange County
Publicly: Kress? Never heard of him. There was a general back in World War I or something with that name… and the bad teacher guy in "The Karate Kid" was named /Kreese/ which is kinda like that? I don't suppose you mean him?
Supernaturally: Sometimes a vampire is embraced for beauty, sometimes for eloquence. Some vampires are embraced by their sires for purely functional reasons. Unless I'm mistaken, David Kress… General David Kress … was plucked from the twilight of his military career specifically to serve the Camarilla. He currently resides in Long Beach, where he's got a position of some regard.
Photo: Here
Gender: Male
Full Name: Casimir Sokolov
Alias: c
Position: Lord of the Port of Los Angeles
Short desc: Large, well-dressed Russian man with beard and bald head.
Publicly: It is said there are Russian Mob connections in the Port of LA. It is said that they have much influence, and that a fellow named Casimir might be the one to talk to about not offending them.
Supernaturally: The name Casimir seems to refer to an East European mob boss operating off the wharfs of the Port of Los Angeles. He is said to be secretive yet very influential. He is said to be Brujah or possibly Nosferatu.
Photo: Here
Gender: Female
Full Name: Acriella J. Demars
Alias: demars
Position: Lady of North LB, Ambassador to South Central
Short desc: Tempting, dangerous beauty.
Publicly: Acriella Demars is a socialite who lives near North Long Beach. She is often seen at the Virginia Country Club, and is rumored to have ties to secret societies.
Supernaturally: Tales of blood cults and decadence surround the Malkavian who calls herself Acriella. She apparently was embraced in the Antebellum South, a young lady of excellent breeding but somewhat lacking in self-restraint. She has become a fixture in Los Angeles, one of the many vampires who make up the rank and file of the Camarilla. At least one other of her sire's childer lives in the city as well.
Photo: Here
Gender: Female
Alias: ind
Position: Long Beach Ambassador to Downtown
Publicly: Mmn? There's susposed to be a fairly successful little shop down in Long Beach that sells imports from India, and that name sounds familiar…
Supernaturally: An enigma from the east, he arrived twenty years ago into the domain of Elaine, just before she became Prince. Since then he has been little heard from or mentioned. Clan? No one exactly knows, he didn't say. Gangrel, perhaps. Or some strange eastern Ventrue or Toreador…
Gender: Female
Full Name: Nika Ryan
Position: Depends on the day.
Short desc: A tall blond woman with impeccable posture.
Publicly: Nika.. Ryan. Man, is this a Jeopardy question? I thought .. I think I remember her being the daughter of Nikita Petrova, the author who died back in 1999. Maybe '00? Man, I don't know. I was riding the white pony too much then. I think that's her, though.
Supernaturally: I heard that Nika belonged to Ambassador Demars. Or it could have been .. I'm not sure. I think she belongs to Acriella and that's enough for me to stay away. She's definitely alive, definitely a good looking meal, but I'm just not up for seeing if she's anything other then that. I mean … can you -imagine- if she was the Ambassador's and someone decided to try and make a meal out of her?
Photo: Here
Gender: Male
Full Name: Edward Leight
Alias: le
Position: Sheriff of Long Beach
Short desc: A Gentleman's Quarterly clone.
Publicly: Perhaps a male escort? Handsome and well-dressed, but seems to lack any substance.
Supernaturally: There are so many rumors about Edward Leight, it is difficult to sort the truth. He's not old, but he's powerful, he's hell on earth in combat, but he seems an English Gentleman. He's been punished in Europe, but he's been honored by Charles of London himself. His clan is oft debated. Regardless, he's a supremely effective Sheriff in Long Beach.
Photo: Here
Gender: Female
Full Name: Amelia Atherton
Alias: Am
Position: Lady of South LB, Ambassador to Santa Monica, Gun Bunny
Short desc: Dark lady, keen features, sharp poise and wit.
Publicly: Amelia Atherton is an enigma. Apparently, her affairs keep her so occupied that she is rarely seen about the L.A. area save for the occasional event at the Santa Monica Teaching Hospital where she serves as an adjunct professor. And doesn't she sit as chairperson of the board at the Long Beach Memorial Medical Center? This uncomplicated woman with the light French accent obviously has little interest in the limelight and allure of Hollywood.
Supernaturally: Arriving in L.A. during the mid 1980's, Amelia Atherton was welcomed into Prince Elaine's Domain of Long Beach where she was designated as the ambassador to Santa Monica. After a rather short stint in Downtown, she reclaimed her assignment in Santa Monica where she also served as the Primogen of Beverly Hills for a short time. Nevertheless, her positions afford her a large degree of mobility to move about the eight Domains. Consequently, the company she keeps is extremely diverse. Clever, crafty and resilient, she is always watching. And listening…
Webpage: Here
Gender: Male
Full Name: Pyotr Ivanovich Lobachevsky
Alias: P
Position: Regent of Malibu, Primogen.
Short desc: Big guy, gruff, hearty. Mild Russian accent.
Publicly: Pyotr is heavily involved in the academic circuit. He's articulate enough (despite a thick Russian accent) and has a diverse set of interests, mostly oriented about science and the history of science. This leads naturally to debunking, and he's made a few appearances on late night talk shows and once, notably, a talking head visit to CNN where he was being consulted on astrology (mostly discussing the rich history thereof). He has been known to give talks at Pepperdine University from time to time, and eschews the UC system as being 'too large to permit real interaction' with the student body.
Supernaturally: Pyotr is a Tremere resident of Santa Monica, and appears to be quite comfortable there. He's wealthy enough to be well established, and he's casual with money; so casual that he's probably had it for a while and doesn't really think about it much any longer. He is often seen at public events involving academic lectures, and is a fairly well-regarded lecturer in the field of chemistry and the history of science.
Possessing sufficient status and seniority to be comfortable in almost any vampire social setting, he vascillates between thoughtful reflection and dramatic ebullience.
Gender: Male
Full Name: Prentiss Selene
Alias: Selene
Position: Seneschal of Torrance
Publicly: One of the chattering classes, mixes with the smart set up near Redondo Beach. He's got money, for sure, but haven't they all? He's one of those guys who seems to know everyone, shows up at lots of parties, always with a cellphone glued to one ear. You know the type.
Supernaturally: High rolling, sociable ancilla who resides in Torrance. Been around for a while now, quite a fixture up there.
Photo: Here
Gender: Male
Full Name: Pyotr Ivanovich Lobachevsky
Alias: Pi
Position: Prince of Torrance
Short desc: Big guy, gruff, hearty. Mild Russian accent.
Publicly: Pyotr is heavily involved in the academic circuit. He's articulate enough (despite a thick Russian accent) and has a diverse set of interests, mostly oriented about science and the history of science. This leads naturally to debunking, and he's made a few appearances on late night talk shows and once, notably, a talking head visit to CNN where he was being consulted on astrology (mostly discussing the rich history thereof). He has been known to give talks at Pepperdine University from time to time, and eschews the UC system as being 'too large to permit real interaction' with the student body.
Supernaturally: Pyotr was, until recently, a resident and Primogen of Santa Monica. Now he's been appointed Prince of Torrance. He's wealthy enough to be well established, and fairly casual in most social situations. He's deeply involved in academic affairs, and has a reputation as a scientist. Over the years, he has developed a reputation for dramatic enthusiasm on almost any subject.
Accent: Think Adelai Niska from Firefly.
Gender: Female
Full Name: Dr. Olivia Kerrigan
Alias: ker
Short desc: Studious, sarcastic woman with lots of red hair and glasses.
Publicly: Dr. Olivia Kerrigan, M.D. is a Specialist at the Kindred Hospital (
Supernaturally: Not much is known of Olivia Kerrigan as she is relatively new in vampire circles. Some say that she is from that new clan though, a Nephilim. But, like the rest of her kind, sightings have been rare.
Gender: Female
Full Name: Dr Andi Hawkings
Position: Sheriff of Torrance
Short desc: Pretty, presentable and petite. Short, scruffy and scrawny.
Publicly: Dr. Andi Hawkings is a more than competent biochemist who works at Santa Monica College, although she seems to live on the other side of the city, away in the Torrance area. Quite a commute, but she seems to get away with putting in very few hours on campus.
Supernaturally: A biochemist who seems more intent on passing her nights conversing with a bunsen burner than with the social and political life of LA. She has strong ties to the Camarilla, and behaves correctly within the Traditions, keeping a low profile where she can. She appears to have picked up some status within the Camarilla, however, in spite of her best efforts to remain invisible to her elders.
Maria Luisa
Gender: Female
Full Name: Dr. Maria-Luisa de Guzman
Alias: luz
Publicly: Maria Luisa de Guzman is a native Angeleno, daughter of Carlos de Guzman (well known academic in the fields of mathematics/cryptography at CalTech, to anyone in the field). She's a high achiever, having held a post in the diplomatic corps, before resigning to take up high profile fundraising Positions with various prominent children's charities. She currently spends a good deal of time working with committees in the UN. She has recently returned to LA from a lengthy trip to East Africa with UNESCO, and has thrown herself enthusiastically back into socialite/ philanthropic circles. A fearsome polymath who is renowned for her vivacious charm and willingness to roll up her sleeves and get the job done, she's also had a brief career as a concert pianist and still takes a keen interest in the arts, especially classical music and opera. She is also associated with the Church of Empiricology, being one of the more high profile members.
Supernaturally: One of the Nephilim. Apparently she is the one who put their case to the Council of Princes.
Gender: Female
Full Name: Jaina Pricely
Position: Primogen of Sherman Oaks
Publicly: Jaina Pricely lives in the Valley, where she is known as the semi-reclusive owner of the goth-industrial club "Fallout." She is sometimes — but rarely — seen throughout the west Valley's clubbing scene, often in the company of movie stars and executives.
Supernaturally: Jaina Pricely is a Brujah of uncertain lineage who lives in or around Sherman Oaks, in the domains claimed by the Camarilla's Prince Julian. She is rumored to come from France — but she seems to have been active behind what would be the Iron Curtain in the early and mid twentieth century. She came to Los Angeles in 1976, and was immediately accepted by Prince Emerson under the sponsorship of Julian Fletcher.
Photo: Here
Gender: Female
Full Name: Alexis Mourning
Alias: <none>
Position: Neonate of the valley and childe of a Prince.
Short desc: <none>
Publicly: Young girl… runs that shop in Glendale called Vellum's Pantry. She's quite a good artist, and sells illuminated manuscript and original illustrated poetry. Quite reclusive…the shop's often closed for extended period. She must be some rich girl who just does it for fun.
Supernaturally: Powerful blood and an artistic vision fire this young neonate. She is the childe of the Prince of South Orange County, Gillian Ventriss. Yet she chooses, for some unknowable reason, to live in the Valley under Prince Julian. She has been known to wrap herself in mortal affairs from time to time, but is generally not of any great import.
Photo: Here
Gender: Female
Full Name: Oriane d'Hier
Alias: Ori
Position: Primogen of Pacoima
Short desc: A petite woman with black hair in proper full attire wearing a delicate porcelain mask.
Publicly: I don't believe I've ever heard of the lady you're talking about. She sounds French, though, from her name, doesn't she?
Supernaturally: Oriane is a powerful Nosferatu ancilla who resides in the domain of the Valley, under the Brujah Prince Fletcher. She is said to be one of the most well-informed vampires in the city, and a fierce advocate for the Camarilla's traditions. Word is that she was embraced in the late 1800's out in New England somewhere.
Photo: Here
Gender: Male
Full Name: Prince Julian Fletcher
Alias: fletcher
Position: Prince of the Valley
Short desc: A short, pretty man of maybe thirty years' age.
Publicly: Fletcher? Never heard of him.
Supernaturally: Julian Fletcher is probably most well-known for keeping a low profile. He has no truly significant acheivements in the annals of vampire history, and seems content to rule under the Camarilla Traditions from his home in the San Fernando Valley. He is one of eight Princes in the Los Angeles area.
Photo: Here
Gender: Male
Full Name: Raphael Torres
Alias: Torres
Position: Gangrel at large
Short desc: A scruffy, dirty, dangerous looking man of leonine appearance.
Publicly: Just another homeless drug addict.
Supernaturally: There are a few names that date back to the beginnings of Los Angeles — one of them is Diego Montera, old Rodrigo's pet Gangrel enforcer. This Raphael fellow is supposedly one of his childer. Haven't seen him around much at all, not since '57 when he was at MGM Studios with the rest. Come to think of it, I haven't even /heard/ about him since then. What's he been up to anyway? He lived in the Valley back then… maybe he stayed there.
Photo: Here
Gender: Male
Full Name: Dr. Bradley Markham
Publicly: Doctor Bradley Markham is a well known and respected psychiatrist who has been highly influential in the field over the last several years. Although he is young, he has already written three books that have received critical acclaim among his peers, and great things are expected of him. (Fame 3: Mental Health community across the United States)
He is a native to Los Angeles, but travels extensively so it is not very unusual for him to be gone for extended periods of time. Curiousely enough, it is not that uncommon to see him in connection to various functions of high society in Los Angeles, likely due to his ties to the Church of Empiricology, in which he is a member.
Gender: Female
Full Name: Amandine LeFebvre
Short desc: A slight, feminine woman who holds herself elegantly.
Publicly: I haven't heard anything about her. The name sounds French, though.
Supernaturally: If one looks, one can find rumor of Amandine going back nearly as long as this country has been in existence. It may not be her precisely, but usually it's close enough. She's old, for sure, and short. Rumor has it she got thrown out of Europe at some point. Not just one country, either, but the whole continent.
Gender: Male
Full Name: Father Jason
Position: Primogen of Encino
Short desc: A Catholic Priest.
Publicly: A priest, calm and collected at all times. Nothing seems to phase this virtuous man.
Supernaturally: Older than some, younger than others, but beyond that defying all description that might matter to Vampiric society. A virtuous priest, who balances salvation of his parishioners' souls with the redemption in the flames of Hell. There is a glow in his eyes as he speaks of earning one's redemption. Perhaps he knows something you don't?
Gender: Male
Full Name: William Cafliaglon
Alias: caf
Position: Seneschal of Long Beach, Primogen of Santa Ana, NOC
Publicly: Just another businessman who lives in Santa Ana. Spends a lot of time around the civic center.
Supernaturally: William Cafliaglon is a Ventrue Elder, and a serious player in Camarilla Politics on a global scale. Although he is said to have contacts in practically every city of the globe, he doesn't have any particularly strong ties to one place. For now, he seems to have settled in Los Angeles. He's got a reputation for being the heavy in negotiations… someone that the Ventrue send in to close the deal with someone who's getting cold feet. He used to be one of those Camarilla policemen, working for the elders and doing their bidding. It's no wonder he's a little unpersonable. Now, however, it seems that he's gone into business for himself. He's a Primogen in one of the Orange County domains, and keeps mostly to himself. He's got a few childer in the area, including Robert Starsen, who apparently has much better breeding than his sire.
Photo: Here
Gender: Male
Full Name: Langsham Vendeitrich
Alias: lv
Position: Seneschal of North Orange County
Short desc: A short, overweight bald man.
Publicly: Professor Vendeitrich teaches Philosophy and Anthropology at Cal State University Fullerton. He is, I hear, quite connected with the administration, and is currently serving as Assistant Dean of the Humanities. I've seen him at a few symphonies and such down at the Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa, too. Real smart guy, I guess… but not much to look at.
Supernaturally: Langsham Vendeitrich is an ancilla of no great repute. Rumor is that he's a warlock, and he seems to spend enough time with his head buried in books for that to be true. I hear he's pretty high up in the scheme of things in North Orange County, second in command or something like that. He's been in Los Angeles since around '45 — never really made any waves or got into any real trouble.
Photo: Here
Gender: Male
Full Name: Caulden Davidoff. Prince Caulden.
Alias: caulden
Position: Prince of North Orange County
Short desc: Pretty boy looks, with a geeky demeanor.
Publicly: Davidoff… isn't that the actor on that show? Oh… no, that's David Offersky. Davidoff… nope. Never heard of him. Say he lives in Orange County? Maybe he's a Republican.
Supernaturally: One of the most inscrutable and, it is said, most potent members of clan Tremere, Caulden Davidoff has seen a number of cities in his time. He's an elder, and now he's a Prince as well in Los Angeles. One of eight, to be sure, but a Prince nonetheless. He controls the population of his domain quite tightly, and is a staunch supporter of the Camarilla. Still, it is a wonder that he's come so far having done so little of any real distinction. No one can really name anything substantial he's accomplished. It's like he fell into Princedom.
Photo: Here
Gender: Female
Full Name: Erin Keyes
Alias: er
Position: Elder of Fullerton (North O.C.)
Short desc: A very attractive and fashionable woman with a dangerous look.
Publicly: Erin has a deeply devoted group of young friends who hang out with her at Orange County coffee shops. Friends who consider her to be the absolute neatest, craziest, most awesome person in the city. She's all that and more. Crazy, reckless, trouble… but dark and dangerous at once.
Supernaturally: Every city has a killer. Some are monsters, some are simply forces of nature. Erin Keyes is a force of nature. Even the Elders and more violent of Vampires quiet as she passes. She lurks in Orange County, but is known at times to range throughout Greater Los Angeles. She is not known to be challenged, though she is always watched very closely.
Photo: Here
Gender: Female
Full Name: Adrienne Taylor
Position: Primogen of Laguna Beach
Short desc: A short, rubenesque woman with terrible breath.
Publicly: Never heard of her.
Supernaturally: An ancilla embraced in France in the early nineteenth century.
Photo: Here
Gender: Female
Full Name: Gillian Ventriss
Alias: gil
Position: Prince of South Orange County
Publicly: Gillian who? Oh… isn't she that art critic who sometimes comes by the new gallery openings? There are so many of them these days, it's hard to keep track. Both the critics and the galleries.
Supernaturally: Gillian Ventriss is a Toreador of English extraction and considerable age. She was embraced sometime in the early eighteenth century and spent the next two centuries in London where she promoted the arts and studied her crafts. Some people have said that her work is exquisite, other that it lacks charm and flair. She reportedly has a number of progeny - some quite famous - scattered about the world, and has recently taken praxis in South Orange County under the laws of the Camarilla. Some of our kind are content to pass the centuries without earth-shattering proclamations or betrayals. She seems to be one of the quiet ones.
Photo: Here
Gender: Female
Full Name: Evelyn Coeur
Position: Sheriff of South Orange County
Publicly: Coeur? Oh, yes, Evelyn Coeur. Charming lady. Isn't she some sort of security consultant or some other strange occupation? Whatever it is, it must mean money because I've seen her at many of the standard functions. And that mannish line of work doesn't seem to have diminished her femininity any.
Supernaturally: This one is from a powerful and dreaded line of Brujah, hailing from France. Her sire is a powerful figure in the European Camarilla, and she has followed in his footsteps. She currently resides in South Orange County, where she is often seen mingling in mortal high society.
Photo: Here
Gender: Male
Full Name: Cornelius Florentijn Drost
Alias: Cor
Position: Gentleman of Leisure
Short desc: A gentleman with exquisite taste.
Publicly: Who?
Supernaturally: Snotty Toreador. It shows.
Gender: Female
Position: Of the Junior Professed.
Short desc: Graceful and delicate Dominican nun.
Publicly: Sister Maria is a member of the Our Lady of Angels parish in Greater Los Angeles.
Supernaturally: Sister Maria is a recent arrival in Los Angeles, affiliated with the Catholic Diocese.
Gender: Female
Position: Part-time waitress.
Short desc: Pretty in pink.
Publicly: Pretty young thing. Maddie works as a part-time waitress at a coffee house.
Gender: Male
Publicly: Some Mexican guy…probably an illegal.
Gender: Male
Full Name: Nicholas (Nick) d'Lyon
Alias: Ni
Position: Idle rich.
Short desc: A cheerful young man with curly white hair.
Publicly: Nicholas d'Lyon (Nick to his friends) is reasonably well known in LA, one of the spoiled few who is famous for being rich and reasonably attractive. He's the oldest son of Justin d'Lyon, the wealthy and highly successful financeer who died a couple of years ago. It's known that he's the black sheep of the family; his younger brother Alexander takes care of the vast family fortune, and seems to be the same sort of man that his father was.
Nick himself is another story. He's been occasionally seen on the arm of some actress, model, or society girl. He's said to dabble in art, although he's probably not any good, since he's never had a gallery showing. He also owns a sailboat, like many of the rich and privilaged, and occasionally dissapears to sail up and down the coast. Recently, Nick has been in the news for a daring rescue at sea of the occupants of another yacht that was swamped and sinking in a howling storm. He seems to be making the most of the adulation for his feat of rash stupidity.
Gender: Female
Full Name: Charlize Lomax
Alias: Char
Publicly: Charlize Lomax is a modestly known cellist, dancer and patron of the arts. Of course, everyone knows her father, Charles W. Lomax, primary partner of the entertainment firm, Lomax, Cullen and Barzoon. And her mother? Well, it's no secret that she comes from a long line of real estate investors. The whole family is filthy rich and high society. Their little girl went to the best schools and hangs with all the right people. She's quite the patron of the arts herself though word is that the family had dealings with the Church of Empiricology that might have gone sour.
Gender: Male
Publicly: Emmanuel Castillo is a prostitute. He's young. He has a vile mouth and pretty lips. He claims Evergreen in Boyle Heights, a Mexican gang, although he is at its very fringes.
Gender: Female
Full Name: Jane C. Sarris
Alias: jcs
Position: Meat for the Beast
Short desc: Young, gangley girl. Blond.
Publicly: Jane typically is seen in the Geeks 'R Us van all over town. This thriving computer repair service promises low cost service and same day repair.
Gender: Male
Alias: Funk
Publicly: Vince Beaty? Tha fat motha-fucka run his ass outta ingle-wood years back. Said he's gonna make it outta the hood. Yeah I don't know where he's at now, but mark my words he's still husslin' fo' sho.
Gender: Female
Full Name: Wren Allison Fields
Alias: Trog
Position: Beach bum, slacker, comic shop girl, complete ham.
Short desc: About 5'10", blonde, athletic, late teens, early 20's.
Publicly: An LA native, Wren is just one of the nameless masses. She splits her time between the beach and work; she's pretty much your average beach bum, and tops if off in proper slacker fashion by working fulltime at Deathray comics downtown. One wouldn't be far off to call her a complete geek on top of all that.
She's got a few natural talents — word has it she's played drums with a couple garage bands, and is constantly doodling on the counters or walls at work — but doesn't seem inclined to put them to use for anything beyond recreation, although she's pretty athletic and seems to keep her nose clean otherwise. Can often be seen weaving through traffic on her bicycle on her way from point A to point B between Santa Monica and Downtown, or found swimming or surfing for hours at the beach, which might explain why she's in such good shape.
Gender: Female
Full Name: Laurelin Morante
Alias: El
Position: Eternal student at UCLA. Works at Deathray Comics.
Short desc: Non-descript blonde geek, brown eyes, plenty of make-up.
Publicly: That one's a geek through-and-through. She's fairly well known at UCLA, having been there for over seven years - rumor has it she's on her third degree now, studying Finance (her first two being Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.) Most of the Professors seem to love her, most of the students think she's a total teacher's pet, but they all agree she's a bright girl. She works at Deathray Comics downtown, and can pretty much be found there whenever she's not on campus. Anyone who's deep into the computer scene might know her under the online guise of Elektra. She's not particularly well known for anything, but her name will come up as someone who knows her way around.