New Standing

What is Standing?


Vampires are predators. They need blood to survive. They need to hunt. Thus, just like their animal counterparts, vampires aim to hold a piece of land, a ‘territory’ to hunt in.

Now, just like in the animal kingdom, vampires could fight each other over territorial control. But, perhaps in order to prevent just that, Camarilla Society agreed upon a different system. Like mortals have deeds, supported and enforced by the legal system of their government, the Camarilla employ their ‘Standing system’. In Camarilla society the ‘legal system’ is comprised of the Traditions and the ‘Rules of Standing’ issued by the government of the city; the Prince and their Principiate. The rules of Standing determine which vampire ‘owns’ what territory - or more accurately phrased; What vampire holds ‘domain’ over what area.

The Rules of Standing begin and end with the Prince of the city, for in essence the entire City is considered theirs. Only the Prince’s death, leave or Praxis Seizure can be used to replace a Prince. The Prince forwards land to his allies, much like a King grants land to the nobles that swear fealty to him. Then, in turn these nobles may forward land to their underlings, and so forth.
In this, the more land a vampire holds domain over, the more influential a vampire is considered to be. Rules of Standing generally define different titles, rights and responsibilities for different levels of standing.

In order to track this Camarilla power-structure LAmush provides a coded ‘Standing’ system, reflecting grants of Domain and hunting rights. In addition your level of Standing (i.e.: the amount of territory you hold domain over) is marked on your character +sheet and may range between 1 and 8.

The level of Standing also has positive impact on the social clout a particular vampire has. A vampire with standing is seen as ‘important’ and in addition a vampire with standing is an important supporter of the Camarilla government. Higher standing equates to a greater ability to influence the Status and Reputation of others. In game term this means that with more Standing you have more Status and more Status Votes that have more weight. See also: +news systems/status.

Important notes:

1) Although it may be obvious, it’s important to note that ‘holding domain under the laws of the Camarilla’ does not mean a vampire –owns- or -controls- that area in any other way. Any control over mortal society is managed via the Influence system. Full ‘control’ over an area is almost impossible to achieve. You would need to control everything and everyone in a particular area. Similarly it’s nigh impossible to determine which character has ‘most’ control over a specific area – because different types of influences are almost impossible to compare.

2) Similarly, it should be pointed out that although a vampire may ‘own’ a territory according to the law of the Domain, this claim is only as strong as the vampire(s) supporting the system. Camarilla vampires supporting the same Prince are likely to respect a domain-holders because their position too depends on adherence to the governmental structure they support. If they don’t however, the landholder does (according to the laws of the Camarilla) have the –right- to enforce domain, but it depends on his personal/political power if they can.

The Rules of Standing in Los Angeles

After the Domain’s formation, Prince Emerson issued the rules of Standing for the Independent Domain of Los Angeles. These rules differ somewhat from the rules under the Treaty of la Ciegena. Those looking to understand the history of Los Angeles can find the old rules here: +news history/standing.

Since its formation, the City of Angels is plagued by the traditional vampires of the Encirclement, aiming to squeeze the Inner City like a lemon. Next to the occasional physical stand-off in the border-areas of Heart of Los Angeles, there is a constant struggle for control of influence over mortal society.
This may be part of the reason for a different political set-up; where young vampires (Neonates and Ancillae) hold the bulk of the domain, provided they display basic loyalty, and have the means to defend it against the assaults and influence mongering from the Encirclement.. or each other.

This is why Emerson defines the following general prerequisites for holding domain over land:

  • The vampire needs to acknowledge Emerson as their Prince.
  • The vampire needs to be acknowledged in the Domain of Los Angeles.
  • The vampire enforces the Masquerade in the domain they hold.
  • The vampire needs to be able to defend their turf: be it in terms of personal power and presence (Haven), vampire supporters (status, underlings, coterie-members, Stewards etc.) or influence over mortal society (backgrounds, influences and ghouls).

Rights and obligations vary per level of Standing. A more elaborate description of each level of standing can be found below.

Please note that these IC-rules are exactly that; subject to IC reality and capriciousness. They may be changed IC-ly, and likely will, when the population of Los Angeles expands or shrinks, or when-ever the residents of Los Angeles make their Ancient Malkavian Prince care enough to do so.

Overview Standing Levels:

Level Territory Title Status Impact Rights and Obligations
0 None Childe
Status 0
1 +vote
1 -vote
Two types of Standing 0 vampires exist:

1. Childer: Vampires who haven’t survived for more than 5 years as a vampire or who have not been presented to a Prince (any Prince).
2. Anarchs: Vampires who are not Childer, but failed to meet the basic requirements to be considered a vampire in good Standing (Standing 1+).

Standing 0 vampires are not protected from Destruction, and generally their sire, those with Standing 3 or better, or someone with authority of some sort from a Prince (e.g. a Blood Hunt) can destroy those with this standing without consequence for violating the Tradition of Destruction. (This -does not- mean that there might not be other forms of social and political consequences.)
Standing 0 Children tend to be protected by their Sire, whereas Standing 0-anarchs tend to live in the Border Areas of the City of Angels.
1 Haven and/or select buildings Neonate
Status +1
1 +vote
1 -vote
In the Domain of Los Angeles, you become a Standing 1 vampire by meeting 2 requirements:

1) Temporal: Any ‘adult vampire’ may acquire temporal Standing 1 in the Domain of Los Angeles, by acknowledging Emerson as their Prince. An ‘adult vampire’ is a vampire who has been recognized under the Tradition of Hospitality (usually by a Prince or Seneschal), or who has survived at least five year since their embrace.
The official way to acknowledge Emerson is by posting a written declaration on the LACMA BBS (The LACMA BBS can be found on C1, in the Ahmanson Building). Once posted a vampire is allowed to hunt in the grid assigned to their Clan(Elder). Caitiff may hunt in the Border Areas.
After posting, a vampire has 4 VR months (=1 RL month) to become acknowledged in the Domain of Los Angeles. Should they not manage to become acknowledged, they loose their Standing 1.
2) Permanent: Any ‘adult vampire’ can gain permanent acknowledged via the Prince, his Seneschal, the Sheriff, Scourge, the own Clan-Elder/Primogen or a decision of the Primogen Council. The Officer(s) acknowledging the vampire must post a formal declaration of such on the LACMA BBS. In game terms this vampire should also be added to the ‘Presented’-list (See: +help social/presented).

A Standing 1 vampire is (like any) expected to adhere to the Traditions. In turn they are generally afforded protection in accordance with the Camarilla Tradition of Destruction. Should they break the rules, acknowledgement can be withdrawn (also via a LACMA post) after which the vampire has (again) 4 VR months to find acknowledgement before losing their Standing 1 Status. However, the Prince, Seneschal, Primogen Council or the vampire’s Clan-Elder/Primogen is empowered to revoke Standing 1 –instantly-, which puts the vampire in a particularly nasty position.
Landholding Standing Levels

For all landholding levels a vampire is expected to enforce the Traditions (primarily the Masquerade) within their domain, and protect it from outside and inside threats (such as invasions from the Encirclement). Should they fail to do so, they may loose the land or worse; be held accountable to some degree.
This is why it is wise and even expected for a vampire to hold sufficient influence over mortal society, to be able to counter Masquerade-breaches or offensive influence-actions of the Encirclement. Hence, when determining if a vampire is able to hold land, the Principiate of a the Domain is likely to weigh the pull the applicant has over mortal and vampire society, be it via personal influences, presence or personal power, or via their underlings. Should the landholder loose their control, and prove unable or unwilling to restore it, it is not unheard of for the Principiate to redistribute that land to someone else.
2 Haven
Hunting control
Steward (m/f) Status +2
2 +votes
1 -vote
Landholders may assign a single personal ‘Steward’ to one or more grids they hold domain over. This Steward typically is a vampire that does not hold domain themselves, but assist the landholder with managing land-related tasks such as enforcement of the Traditions (primarily the Masquerade) or negotiation of rights for hunting, influence-mongering (or roaming, for a particularly territorial Ward). In game terms the Steward is given ‘Hunting-Control’ by the landholder (see: +news systems/hunt). The exact scope of rights and obligations of the Steward are determined by the landholder.
Like any, hiring or firing a Steward must posted on the LACMA message board.
3 1-2 grids Warden (m/f) Status +3
3 +votes
1 -vote
According to Camarilla Law a Warden holds domain over one or two grids. As such they may decide who roams, mingles or hunts there. Other vampires are expected to pay them respect while in their domain. In game terms this is represented by the ability to distribute hunting-rights, hunting control and the ability to claim social advantage over other vampires while on their land.
Finally it should be noted that it is a common, though not universal, practice for Princes to grant their Sheriffs and Elysium Keepers territory sufficient for them to call upon this level of Standing.
4 3-4 grids Overseer (m/f) Status=+4
4 +votes
1 -vote
A vampire with this level of Standing controls (and usually is responsible for) territory comprising 3 or 4 outdoor rooms on +map. These rooms need not be contiguous, though they usually are. The only thing that matters is how much territory the vampire ultimately controls. Titles for Standing 4 vampires can vary tremendously from domain to domain. In the Heart of Los Angeles they are called ‘Overseers’.
Overseers are subject to the same rights and obligations as Wardens are, including the need to control their Domain to some degree. However; an Overseer is expected to appoint one Steward for every grid they hold above ‘2’ (i.e. 1 Steward for 3, and 2 Stewards for 4 grids), provided reasonable candidates are available.
5 5-7 grids Baron (m/f) Status +5
5 +votes
1 -vote
A vampire with this level of Standing controls (and usually is responsible for) a territory (also called a Barony) comprising between 5 and 7 grids on +map. These rooms need not be contiguous (though they usually are).
Like any landholder, a Baron is expected to have their grids covered. It’s unlikely for one vampire to control this amount of territory on their own, so Barons are expected to appoint 1 Steward for every grid they hold above ‘2’ (i.e. 3 Steward for 5 grids and 5 Stewards for 7 grids), provided reasonable candidates are available.
In turn, vampires with enough power and influence to control so much territory are small-time Princes in their respective Baronies. The Primogen-council has little to say about what happens on their land, with their people. Barons are allowed to hold their own courts and appoint a Sheriff-like Protector to enforce the Traditions on their piece of the +map. They may sanction creation of progeny by any vampire residing in their domain. Moreover, the Prince is likely to rubber-stamp (valid) destruction of a Baron’s underlings.
6 8-10 grids Infante
Status +6
6 +votes
1 -vote
Similar to their lesser versions, Infantas are expected to appoint 1 Steward for every grid they hold above ‘2’ (i.e. 6 Stewards for 8 grids and 8 Stewards for 10 grids), provided reasonable candidates are available.
The vampire Overlord that manages to juggle management and control of an amount of territory, the size of a District, could be considered an autonomous Prince in every way that matters, except for the requirement to acknowledge Emerson as their Grand-Prince. They are allowed to install their own Principiate, including a Seneschal and Sheriff, and may interpret and arbiter the Traditions and Laws within their respective Domains as they see fit, including the right to call the Bloodhunt on any vampire (with the exception of Emerson’s Principiate) entering their Domain.
Since the City of Angels only consists of 37 areas, seven of which are taken by a Clan, no more than three Infanta’s could exist at any point in time.
7 >1 District Prince Status +7
7 +votes
1 -vote
A vampire of Standing 7 controls more than 1 Los Angeles District. Prince Emerson has this level of Standing because he holds dominion over three. Vampires be warned that the Prince is unlikely to allow –any- underling to rival him in this regard. As such a vampire (or close-knit vampire faction) may expect unpleasant intervention should they ever expand beyond 10 grids on the +map.
8 LA Metropolis Prince Status +8 If ever a Prince would emerge, who is acknowledged as sovereign over all of the districts over greater Los Angeles, this Prince would enjoy Standing 8. Prince Emerson once had this level of Standing, but it was lost when Los Angeles was divided into eight autonomous domains each ruled by a different Prince. Will Los Angeles ever be united again under one Prince? Only time will tell.

Standing in Application


A vampire exerting authority within his or her territory can expect to predicate much of this authority on personal power and influences. They may sanction who visits, roams, hunts, holds influences etc. in the grid they control. Hunting permissions are tracked by means of extending Hunting rights to those (standing 0 to 1) vampires that do not hold territory of their own. Commands for granting Huntingrights and related code is provided at the bottom of this page.

As a practical manner, a landholder's authority extends to anyone within the territory over whom the landholder can claim Social Advantage. Without the ability to claim Social Advantage, the vampire may only call upon personal power and influence to coerce recognition of his or her authority.
This applies equally to law-abiding Camarilla vampires and anarchs. Thus the rule: If your character is caught ignoring the command or edict of a landholder within his or her territory and if this landholder has Social Advantage over your character, then you must formally ignore the landholder's social trait which gives him or her the Social Advantage.

Acquiring Standing

In General

As explained above, Standing is the Camarilla's legal system to determine which vampires hold domain over what territory. In this the buck begins and stops with Emerson. All territory in the City of Angels is considered his'. The Prince (or those acting in the Prince's name) forward territory to the residents of the Domain and they have the right to forward that territory to others in turn.

However, such land-transfers can only be 'official' when they follow the Rules of Standing. Again; the Standing System of LAmush only keeps track of what happens within that Standing System; which is a matter of Camarilla-perception, rather than a reflection of actual physical control.

To acquire Standing, a character must acquire -recognized- control over territorial grids represented by our +map code. This recognition of control (and means of transferring it) are reflected in our +domain code below. -Recognition- is the essential aspect of having control of territory for Standing purposes, and a vampire retains this recognition until it loses it, surrenders it, or gives it up. This means that anyone wanting to increase their standing in Los Angeles generally must:

  1. take additional territory forcibly
  2. acquire the territory by coercion, or
  3. acquire the territory by persuasion.

Acquiring Standing by Taking Territory Forcibly

Taking territory forcibly is simple, in theory - just kill or permanently torpor the vampire who controls the territory and then claim it. However, this is problematic in practice. The right of destruction is jealously guarded by the Prince, his Clan Elders and the upper Standing levels, and permanent torpor is often interpreted as destruction. Therefore, taking territory by killing or permanently torporing the controlling vampire is a method upon which only this select group of vampires and anarchs can rely.

Acquiring Standing through Coercion

Acquiring territory through coercion includes doing everything but killing or permanently torporing the landholder in order to 'convince' them that relinquishing the territory is 'an offer they cannot refuse.' Beating the landholder into submission repeatedly; making their existence miserable through use of influences; blackmail; threats; et cetera - the means and methods are limited only by the imagination. The one commonality is that the landholder is ultimately forced into a situation where they have no reasonable choice but to acquiesce to the usurping vampire.

Vampires attempting to acquire Standing through Coercion should take into consideration that some landholders received their territory directly from the Prince or another powerful vampire. The Prince may not take well to those who usurp control over territory from one to whom they have entrusted it. Nonetheless, as long as the usurper appears to be a loyal subject to the Prince and is not already a powerful Baron or Infante, the Prince will likely not object to such territorial acquisition.

Acquiring territory through coercion relies heavily upon cooperative roleplay. If negotiations break down in this regard, players should refer to arbitration. The character of a player who fails to negotiate a coercion attempt in good-faith will be presumed to lose in the matter.

Acquiring Standing through Persuasion

Acquiring territory through persuasion is the most common means of increasing Standing. This includes convincing a Prince that it is worth his or her effort to grant you territory. You can do the same with a powerful landowner who is looking for a trustworthy subordinate and who has excess territory to provide you. Boons and other favors can be used to bargain away territory from those who have it, too. The hallmark of persuasive acquisition is that the landholder gives up some of their territory voluntarily, usually for some form of consideration. The Prince will typically rubberstamp transfers of territory in this context so long as the acquiring landholder is a subject of the Prince and not more powerful than He wants them to be.

Once you acquire territory using any of these methods, the territory remains yours until another vampire acquires it from you.

The Unique Position of the Prince

Under the Treaty of la Ciegena even a Prince was obligated to reclaim territory via the official routes mentioned above. What made this considerably more easy of course, was the Prince's sole right of destruction.
In the Domain of Los Angeles, this is different. It is ruled that, by acknowledging Emerson as their Prince, any vampire automatically agrees to Emerson's right to withdraw any territory held by his subjects. The Prince or the Principiate acting in his name, will generally not do so without valid reason, but should they come knocking, a subject cannot refuse.

The above does point out a bug in the system however; The Prince can only take land from those that officially acknowledge him as Prince. Those that do not, or those that withdraw that oath of fealty, are immune to automated transfers imposed on them.
It now becomes apparent why Emerson will generally only grant land to those that acknowledge him, and why many of the anarch Border-areas remain under the Prince's name. The land of an anarch, particularly the land of a weak anarch could be lost to the Encirclement this way. Indeed; any land could be lost to the Encirclement, should one of his landowners decide to officially renounce his acknowledgement to Emerson, then name their land part of the Outside. One could doubt if any vampire is suicidal enough to do so, for such treason is likely to result in a quick death, with subsequent reclaim of the territory. However; it -is- a theoretic possibility, and although the Ancient seems near-unstoppable, it would be unwise to underestimate the Encirclement and their spies.

Territory From Inactive Characters

Please remember that controlling territory is subject to our activity requirements set forth in '+news policies/activity'. As permitted by this policy and subject to staff discretion, inactive characters can lose some or all of their territory solely as a consequence of their inactivity. In general, land will be reclaimed by members of the Principiate, then forwarded to someone else.

However; Stewards have the opportunity to save their liege from such a fate, or perhaps; to take advantage of their absence.
When a landholding vampire (who's player did not announce their absence via BBS or 'vac'-code) did not respond to their @mail after one RL week -and- did not log in for the duration of 2 RL weeks, the Steward may post a message on the LACMA boards, claiming the territory of their liege as theirs. If the old landholder then does not post a counter-message within 7 RL days, the transfer of the land is valid and recognized.
Should the former landholder return, the new landholder may choose to return their newly acquired territory to their former boss upon his/her return, but they are not required to do so.

Standing Commands

Standing levels are not (yet) managed automatically. This means that if your character undertakes an action that initiates change of Standing, you should +feedback/request the request to change your standing to Staff. Staff can set Standing for you. Also: New characters start with Standing 1, as it is assumed they will be able to meet basic requirements. If they do not, their Standing-level will be adjusted.

Identifying Standing

Command Function
+standing <level> This command will list the status and title of every person at the given level of standing. The standing level must be at least 2. You will be highlighted in the list of your own standing.
+offices <domain> Lists officers (Prince, Sheriff, etc.) for the specified domain, if you have access to that information. (Domain = Los-angeles, Encirclement, etc.)

Please set your &position to represent your proper title.

Architects should make sure Domains are set to non-LA things for characters with Standing not belonging to LA itself.

Indentifying Domain

Commands Function
+domain +domain is meant to be used in conjunction with +map (+help ic/map) to keep track of which vampires control what portions of Los Angeles for purposes of Standing.
+domain/list +domain/list identifies the active domains of Los Angeles together with their current Prince and map areas.
+domain/char <Character Name> +domain/char <Character Name> identifies all territories controlled by the character.
+domain/map <Map Coordinate> +domain/map <Map Coordinate> identifies who holds domain over the designated map coordinate.

Administration of Domain

Commands Function
+domain/grant <Map Coordinate> to <Character Name> +domain/grant permits a Prince to grant a territory in their domain to another character.
+domain/take <Map Coordinate> from <Character Name> +domain/take permits a Prince to take a territory in their domain from another character
+domain/setprince <Domain Name>=<Character Name> +domain/setprince permits staff to acknowledge a new prince of a domain.

These commands are accessible only to Princes and appropriate staff.

For those who can examine the domain code, please note that there are instructions in it for how to add/remove domains from +domain/list.

Administration of Huntingrights

Commands Usage
+hunters/info [<grid>] Lists those allowed to hunt here / at <grid>
+hunters/investigate <hours> Provides information about location's pool activity and who has hunted there recently. (At your current location!)
+hunters/history Shows past investigation info.
+hunters/grant <grid>=<char> Grants permission for legal hunting
+hunters/deny <grid>=<char> Removes permission for legal hunting
+hunters/control <grid>=<+/-><char> Add (+) or remove (-) control over <grid> for <char>. (I.e. they can grant/deny)

Note: Some commands restricted by official authority.

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