Lamush Building Code

In order to save the builders some work LaMush provides a newbie-friendly code to automate a large part of both, building the skeleton and formatting. The commands that handle this automated process are explained below:

Dig your first Room!

The 'gimme' command is specifically used to dig your first room leading from the Building Development to the first room of your build. You can only use this command once, so make sure that you are in the Building Development and type:


The builder digs a room for you, with an entrance and an exit leading to and from The Building Development.
When you did this, you will find the entrance of your building-project listed in the projects that are in the room. The entrance-object is automatically given the name of your builder.

For example: Dummy_BLDR’s project (#2084)

Dig subsequent Rooms by using +build

When you want to build a project with more rooms than one, you can use the +build-command to @dig the subsequent rooms. This command automatically creates the room (@dig), the exits to and from (@open and @link).
Next to creating your ‘skeleton’ the ‘built’ command also takes care of some LAmush formatting such as compass-directions and &grid.


Now, think on how you want your building to look. In what direction to the entrances and exits go? What kind of exits are they?

For example I determine that I want to build a ‘storage’-room that is accessible from my ‘shop’-room. It’s situated (N) North from the storage-room, behind a ‘red door’. And from the ‘Storage’ a ‘Yellow door’ leads back to the ‘Store’.

Also, if you’re going to determine this direction you should have a look at the grid that your build will be in and make sure that the direction that you will use for your build is not already taken. You need to know this in advance in order to make sure that you will not need to change your exit-direction, which could subsequently overlap with other exits that you would wish to build in that room.

For example, I would like to build my Little Shop of Horrors in A1 (library tower), that has a huge amount of directions already:
Central Library <E> Library Tower (N) Bunker Hill (NE) Pershing Square (SE) Staples-Convention Center (SW) MacArthur Park (NW)
Now I choose a direction that is not taken yet: South. So my ‘Little Shop or Horrors’-entrance into the ‘Store’ will be ‘South’ and my exit from the ‘store’ back to the > Building Development goes ‘North’. The Storage will be right behind the shop, so in the (South)-direction also.

Choose the room you want to build from

Go into the room that you want the next room to be linked to. This must be a room that you have permission from the server to build in (so a room that you created earlier).

Create the subsequent rooms and exits

When you’re in the room that you want to build from you can use the following command that will automatically create the next room, the exit to that room and the exit back:

+build Room Name|coords|compass-to|Exit To|Exit Back
Room Name: Is the name of the room that you want to build.
Coords: Are the grid-coordinates of the grid that your room will be on.
Compass-to: Is the direction in which the room lies so: n (north),ne (north-east),nw (north-west) or s (south),se (south-east),sw (south-west) or e (east) or w (west) or u (up) or d (down).
Exit To: Is the name of the exit (object) that goes from the room that you’re in to the next room that is created. In this command you can assign a number of aliases to this entrance-name. These aliases will allow players to navigate through the grid faster. Mostly they consist of the several abbreviations that a player may use. So for example:

‘Waterfront’ would have aliases like: ‘water’, ‘wf’.
‘Red door’ would have abbreviations like: ‘red’, ‘door’ and ‘rd’.

You can assign these aliases by putting a ‘;’ behind the primary name of the exit-object and any alias that follows, so:

Red door;red;door;rd.

When choosing these abbreviations make sure you don’t use words that are commands like ‘i’ from inventory or ‘e’ from examine etc.
Note that in this case you need not insert the ‘compass’ direction as an alias also. The automated command takes care of this because you already insert the direction in your ‘compass-to’.

Exit Back: Is the name of the exit (object) that goes from the room that you’re going to create, back to the room that you are in. This goes the same way as above by putting in the primary name and follow-up aliases. For exits that lead out of a building however LaMush uses a special additional format. We want our players to be able to travel out of a building in an easy way by pressing a series of repetitive commands, like: out, exit, leave and abbreviations thereof. So, at least one exit in each room should normally be designated as 'out', with the following aliases: out;ou;o;back;exit;x;leave
When using this automated build-command however, assigning the alias ‘o’ will automatically put in all these ‘exit’ aliases for you.

In the case of my store I want a ‘Yellow Door’ to lead back to the store. In which case my exit primary name and aliases would be:
Yellow door;yellow;door;yd;o

Note that in this case you need not insert the ‘compass’ direction as an alias also. The automated command takes care of this because you already insert the direction in your ‘compass-to’.

Putting this all together Going from my example this would come down to:

+build Storage|A1|s|Red door;red;door;rd|Yellow door;yellow;door;yd;o

Note: When you use this command you are automatically teleported into the new room that you build.

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